Automatic gates that open on their own?
One of the apparently mysterious and inexplicable situations that can occur is gates and garage doors that open autonomously all the way. Fortunately this problem is very rare, but sometimes automatic gates can open suddenly on their own without anyone having pressed the button of the remote control that moves the leaves.
There’s no need to resort to aliens or various kinds of conspiracy theories, since LIFE Home Integration will guide you in searching for the most probable causes behind these inconveniences which, however, can be a cause for concern. How is this possible?
We can identify some of the main causes that make a gate open autonomously.
- The remote control
The simplest reason, and actually the most underestimated one, has to do with the remote control being in somebody’s pocket: this explains why the buttons are pressed inadvertently, causing the gate or door to open without being triggered voluntarily. This observation may seem banal, but it reflects situations that actually occur.
- The intercom
The second often neglected reason is actually more complex from a technical point of view, and can occur, for example, when there is an intercom associated with the automation unit’s opening. In this case, for example, the wires could be too old, or perhaps they pass through a manhole with a high degree of humidity. Consequently, the gate could open on its own without any apparent reason. Another situation, always linked to the malfunctioning of the intercom, has to do with the gate’s opening button, as if it jams or fails to work properly, it could send false signals also to the automation unit.
- Need for maintenance
Another very frequent case that could lead to this type of problem is the build-up of dirt, leaves, insects or other behind the control unit.
It is highly likely that in similar circumstances the gate can evidence unusual behaviour, such as opening on its own. Regular periodic maintenance can prevent these circumstances: the technician will know how to intervene and which checks to perform to make the automation unit work optimally at all times.
- Radio interferences
Another possibility, which is highly remote but which must be included for intellectual honesty, is radio interference.
Some believe that the notorious radio interference triggers the gate to opens on its own, but in actual fact the circuit boards for automatic gates must comply with certain European standards on immunity from radio interferences which actually prevent the circuit board from being controlled by an unauthorised radio signal. To nonetheless prevent these inconveniences, it would be advisable – before proceeding with the memorisation of the remote controls – to reset the circuit board’s memory. Also in this case the installer’s intervention is always necessary.
- The key-operated switch
The key-operated switch is one of the main causes of these abnormal behaviours. The problem does not concern the selector in itself, but rather the condensate that can form inside the small box that contains it. The most common reason though is always due to dirt, as well as insects or leaves that may build up. For these reasons and given that the selector can lead to random openings, it should be regarded as one of the first checks to perform in these circumstances.
In general, to sum up the situation, 90% of the time it is an external cause that causes the automation unit to open:
- a jammed intercom button;
- a short-circuit of the wires of a start control;
- a broken, damp or dirty key-operated control;
- a remote control with a defective button;
- an insect behind the control unit.
In short, these are all causes that do not depend on a fault of the control unit.
It’s worthwhile remembering that when a gate opens without any button having been specifically pressed, be it of the intercom or the remote control, it is important to search for an external cause among those mentioned above and only later check the control unit.
The intervention of an expert technician will nonetheless allow for identifying a cause with certainty, so that the fault can be repaired and the electric gate restored to full efficiency.